
Moving on up !

About to complete my first PayPal transaction for ColePhotography orders ! Hope it works out to my expectations. I plan on launching this service in 2010 in my campaign. Really pushing myself to learn more of the "Business" side of Photography,so off to learning more ! Haha


20x30 Print

Just framed another 20x30 print. Figured I would show it displayed against
a 8x10. The print quality from this lab is amazing,they're 20x30's rival the 8x10's!!!


2010 Portfolio

Currently editing new Nikon shots from late 2009 to update my Drag Racing section in the Portfolio.The shots with the 55-200mm give me what I'm wanting,but I had to band-aid the back focus issue.It still hurts my hit ratio(not as much),so off to a shop soon ! I plan on starting off 2010 strong...so we'll see what kind of campaign I come up with soon, still planning none the less.



Dawgwood ( TITM )

Just got back from Thunder In The Mountains...
1gb card FULL another 1gb card FULL...4gb card FULL !!!!! Batteries Empty.
Haha, I'm charging the batteries back up just so I can load them to the computer, guess I need a adapter now. I'm sure I shot over 800 photos,I was even deleting during classes, so the 6gb's worth of photos are probably 80% keepers.

It was a challange no doubt, 13 classes ranging from 3 to 15+ karts each,Straight away shots,Pan shots,turn 4 turn 3,lol...glad I knew how to work a camera !
Overall...I had a blast. I'm still learning the angles for circle track Photography,and dialing in my shutter speeds.

I'll post a few of my best here later...way later lol, got a lot of sorting,deleting,organizing...etc. to do first.


Thunder In The Mountains

Well...after my first practice shoot at Dawgwood I'm getting ready to go back for a full shoot ! Just so happens to be a Big Event going down...Thunder In The Mountains.
So I better get prepared, I believe I have to sort out 16 classes of Karts with each class having 10 or more each ! Time to put my organizing skills to the test !