
Dawgwood ( TITM )

Just got back from Thunder In The Mountains...
1gb card FULL another 1gb card FULL...4gb card FULL !!!!! Batteries Empty.
Haha, I'm charging the batteries back up just so I can load them to the computer, guess I need a adapter now. I'm sure I shot over 800 photos,I was even deleting during classes, so the 6gb's worth of photos are probably 80% keepers.

It was a challange no doubt, 13 classes ranging from 3 to 15+ karts each,Straight away shots,Pan shots,turn 4 turn 3,lol...glad I knew how to work a camera !
Overall...I had a blast. I'm still learning the angles for circle track Photography,and dialing in my shutter speeds.

I'll post a few of my best here later...way later lol, got a lot of sorting,deleting,organizing...etc. to do first.

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